Monday, June 3, 2013

Welcome to brewing, "New Tradition" style!

New Tradition Brewing Co.
A Beer Brewed to Share

My name is Mitch and I began brewing in January, 2013.

Before we get on to the beer, here is a short bit of info about me:

I am Air Force (active duty) and enlisted in 2008, the first in my family. Native to Washington state, I grew up in a suburb of Portland, OR (Vancouver, WA). Portland being known for the quantity and quality of micro breweries, my own home brewing includes a bit of sentimentality for the Portland culture. I have a wonderfully understanding wife, allowing me to brew, take over portions of the kitchen and the guest room at times, but luckily I don't have to get permission for the garage which holds the greatest amount of my supplies. Jenn and I have two dogs, bull-mastiff mixes, that are our kids.

Hunter, the black one, often lays in the garage and watches as I brew. He's my buddy. Sheba, the one with German-Shepard coloring, is my girl. She's a lover, and at 100 lbs, still thinks she's a lap dog.

Now on to the beer!

I started out with supplies purchased from the local store, "Brew Your Own Brew" The guys there are great, and have given a wealth of information and tips of the trade.
If you are just getting into brewing, the first thing to note in my mind is that you can't not like to clean or do dishes. Brewing, you will constantly be sterilizing, scrubbing and washing. Cleaning is of extreme importance in brewing, and the part I probably take the most time with. In the end, it ensures the quality of every brew made.

Since I began this adventure, I have brewed the following:

Amber Ale (Alaskan Clone)
Raspberry Framboise
an IPA
Irish Red
Cherry Wheat (in secondary)
Yerba Mate' Black IPA (in primary)

In the upcoming posts I will share my techniques, recipes, use of equipment and many other things. That's it for now though. Once again, welcome to "New Tradition Brewing Co.", a beer brewed to share.

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